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【輸入盤LPレコード】【新品】Jaklin / Jaklin (180gram Vinyl)【LP2021/10/1発売】

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新品 4048円 (税込)


管理番号 新品 :3095654955
中古 :3095654955-1
メーカー 【輸入盤LPレコード】【新品】Jaklin 発売日 2025/01/31 07:21 定価 5190円

【輸入盤LPレコード】【新品】Jaklin / Jaklin (180gram Vinyl)【LP2021/10/1発売】

180 gram vinyl reissue of 1969 psychedelic blues classic originally on Stable Records. Variety within the somewhat strict framework of the blues format is something rare and elusive, and although musicians aspire to it and audiences long for it, failure and disappointment are usually their respective rewards. Yet unlike so many other musical forms, variety within blues does not necessarily mean an excess of complexity, sophistication, poetry or melody: it is the contiguity of blues and genuine personal feelings that constitutes the prime essential, for without it everything down to the most basic twelve-bar becomes inherently meaningless. This first album by Jaklin demonstrates how a young composer and singer with an ingrained feeling for contemporary blues manages to produce songs which are both emotionally evocative yet simple enough to be tremendously vehicular - just take a listen to the weaving and pounding, the blending and harmony of the instrumentation on most of the tracks on this LP Particularly interesting is the rolling arrangement on "Song To Katherine", a piece with a strong New Orleans atmosphere, or as a contrast the tinkling piano on the mellow "I Cant Go On". As a performer Jaklin sets a high standard of variety - this set kicks off with "Rosie", a raunchy adaptation of an African tribal number that Nina Simone once recorded as "Be My Husband", while in absolute contrast an acoustic guitar opens "Look For Me Baby", a folk-based blues. "Early In The Morning" has Jaklin. In a lighter mood, "Going Home" could easily be a John Lee Hooker song and arrangement from the late fifties or early sixties with the inspirational influences of rocknroll rhythms stamped out all over it. Jaklins vocals are consistent throughout - the voice itself is a typical piece of British blues workmanship, with the influence of Alexis Korner coming through strongly - certainly Korners "The Same For You" could well be a track from an Alexis LP.こちらの商品は輸入盤のため、稀にジャケットに多少のスレや角にシワがある場合がございます。こちらの商品はネコポスでお届けできません。2021/10/1発売輸入盤レーベル:MORGAN BLUE TOWN収録曲:




